Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's About Time... for?

These past grading... things went "slightly bloody"... Never knew that it took that 'medal' thingy catch... Don't care... it happened already... what can I do? what? I think, I just have to make it in and out of this subject, similar to the loops of my yoyo...

It's not that I;m bragging for the small things I'm earning, I just want to release the happiness it brought to me... unto something inanimate, like the computer... I feel like I'm maneuvering my way with ease... I'm running with plus points and grin-drawing scores... It's not yet enough... And I'm after more things...

That's all... Just passin by...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Binding Energy... Bound till Broken...

It is in my earlier post what binding energy means... now, how is it computed, or solved? I don't know, don't ask me, k? it's my notes... and the summary of how I understood this lesson(if there's anything understood)...

the constants:
mass of protons- 1.007276u... please use 1.007825u
mass of neutrons- 1.008665u
the energy constant in the formula- 931.5MeV (MegaElectronVolts)<--->1u=931.5MeV

The sample problem: Find the Binding energy needed to take off 2 neutrons and 2 protons from a Carbon 14 atom...

the steps I can remember...
> compute for the total mass... (total mass of protons+ the total mass of neutrons)
ex. Carbon 12 has 6 neutrons and 6 protons..
6n= 6x 1.008665u= 6.05199u
6p= 6x 1.007825u= 6.04695u
12.09894u----> total mass...

> next is the "MASS DEFECT". Computed as the difference between the total mass and the actual mass... the actual mass can be seen in the periodic table of elements... (thanks for Dmitri Mendeleev for this one)
ex. Carbon 12's total mass is 12.09894u as shown in #1... and it's actual mass is 12.0000... The Mass Defect would be equal to 0.09894u

> the CRUNCH! the Binding energy itself... The formula for finding the binding energy is
BE= Md(931.5MeV/u)
(peace... i'm just too lazy to work on the formula properly, but it's correct... thanks to mome...)
ex. BE= 0.09894u(931.5MeV/u)
= 92.16261MeV is Carbon 12's binding energy... congrats...

And there you have it... the Binding energy of your atom... Sound's like the answer to the problem of our economy eh?

That's not all... you have availed my promo, getting the Binding Energy Per Nucleon (BEn= BE/total number of nucleons)
=(92.16261/ 12)
= 7.6802175MeV x 4
= 30.72087 MeV

In the said formula, the binding energy per nucleon is multiplied to four (2p and 2n... So, the final answer would be equal to 30.72087 MeV- the energy required to take off 2p and 2n...

That's all, hope you learned something... Don't Just read, analyze and think...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Definiton of Terms

There are certain terms mentioned in the world of physics... the ones listed below are the ones defined and discussed so far... Here they are:

-atoms of the same element having the same atomic number(#of protons) but differs in the mass number (differences in the number of neutrons in the nucleus)

-Radiation as used in physics, is energy in the form of waves or moving subatomic particles. Radiation can be ionizing or non-ionizing radiation, depending on its effect on atomic matter. The most common use of the word "radiation" refers to ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules while non-ionizing radiation does not. Radioactive material is a physical material that emits ionizing radiation.

- a type of radiation occuring in the nature of helium ions. Has 2 neutrons and 2 protons. Alpha decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus) and transforms (or 'decays') into an atom with a mass number 4 less and atomic number 2 less. For example:

- simply defined as fast-moving "electrons". In nuclear physics, beta decay is a type of radioactive decay in which a beta particle (an electron or a positron) is emitted. In the case of electron emission, it is referred to as "beta minus" (β−), while in the case of a positron emission as "beta plus" (β+).

In β− decay, the weak interaction converts a neutron (n0) into a proton (p+) while emitting an electron (e−) and an anti-neutrino ():

- Gamma rays or gamma-ray (denoted as γ) are forms of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or light emissions of a specific frequency produced from sub-atomic particle interaction, such as electron-positron annihilation and radioactive decay; most are generated from nuclear reactions occurring within the interstellar medium of space.

Gamma rays are generally characterized as EMR, having the highest frequency and energy, and also the shortest wavelength, within the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, i.e. high energy photons. Due to their high energy content, they are able to cause serious damage when absorbed by living cells.

- a process in which two nuclei or nuclear particle collid to produce products different from the inital particles.

- joining of multiple atomic particles to form a heavier nucleus. Accompanied b either release or absorption of energy.

- splitting of atoms of the nucleus of an atom into parts producing photons, electrons and particles as by-products...

- mechanical energy required to disassemble a whole nuclei into parts

- transformation of an isotope to another isotope within the same element...

so,, that's all for now... just passin by...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Four Forces... feat. Einstein Formula...

One of discussions in this grading period is concerned with the fundamental forces applied and considered in Physics... the "Four" are:
>Gravitational Force
>Electric Force
>Weak Force
>Strong Force

They are also known as the field forces...

The weak and strong forces are only observable and are only exhibited at nuclear levels... very small huh?! hehe...

The electrical force may either be repulsive or attractive... Charges determine the electrical force...

The electrostatic and the strong force are the two main forces acting on the nucleus of a certain matter....

Unstability is caused by the imbalance between these acting forces...

Lessons seem to be flowing on my side now, having considerable scores this time... I'm liking it more this way... hope this continues...

Wei, who among us still don't know what this equation is: E=mc2 or whatsoever?
According to Einstein, matter can be converted to pure energy as long as it satisfies the given equation...

I can't remember the other parts of the discussion... all I know is that I'm having fun with the way things are turning out... Getbackers on the rise... I'm one of em...
Just passin by...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Transition Post...

The first gate closed behind me and left me bleeding...
The second gate opened in front of me and impelled a cute ray of hope and bloodthirsting comeback...
I failed... before... I'm... getting... back... to... them... and... start... throwing.... my... laughs... of... triumph...
It is seemingly positive for me... The flying quizzes (waw)...
But as I have observed, meals come before wars... An adequate reason to take back the brags and the smiles... I'm just a step back... to where I wanted to be... All it takes is a smaller shard of time and I just might grasp the subject... hahahaha...
Just passin by...